Friday, March 29, 2019

Being Church in the real world.

Within the local church, people know they live  in a time of immense change. They are confused  by these changes  and conflicted  about what to do with  it  all because they  see and feel  going on   is so deep and disturbing.

A buisness man\woman  leaves work  at 6.30 am and is back home at 7.30p.m  with little time  for family.  Weekends  are spent  on housework shopping and childrens sport. At work she\he  is responsible for employees, many of whm are  about to loose their jobs  due to outsourcing  overseas. she wonders about  the church he\she has lnong known. How do they make sense  of being  christian in the midst of all this.

Space for Conversation:

Where do we give space in our churches  for people to talk about these realities.
Classical  Pastoral care is the key  to give people a voice. Pastoral care at its best  is about asking  the question, "How is your soul?"

This might involve  connecting with  people on a regular basis  without  an agenda asking questions that  are genuinely open ended, and inviting  people  to share  something  of what is happening in their lives.

This is how  church leaders can genuinely  begin to create an environment  in which people  feel 'listened into free speech'.

Our experience  is that other people rarely ask  us about our lives  at a deeper level than "Hi how are you?" unless they  want something  from us.  What would it  be like  to cultivate a church  in which people  ask deeper questions without strings attached.