Monday, January 14, 2019

The Church of Mary's Birth

At Ein Kirem a group of young people quickly  scattered when we arrived. Here in Marys Church we sang a song, then a group of  young students (From Alabama) came ... They began Amazing Grace and we joined in.... it was similar to what happened with a group from Korea  in the Shepherds Church in Bethlehem.

At Ein Kerim they, the young scattered.
Had our arrival caused a refrained embrace? 
Are we divided by the wall of time and expression?
Not for us the warm encounter of that place.

Do all things happen by accident, or is it destiny?
Or could  your direction; Mary,  still hold sway as at Cana.
Into your church they came today; the young with their angelic voices.
As at Shepherd's  Field  voices united _
distance narrowed by prayerful tone.

From Alabama they came.
A place of 'historied' barrier.
Another woman Rosa.